Our values

The island of Molène at the heart of our history
Blessed climate, advanced land in the heart of the waves, Brittany draws all that nature has best, invigorating and tonic to restore all its authenticity.
The Island of Molène is notably endowed with an exceptional fauna and flora, the seaweed gathering sites have more than 800 listed species, which has earned this marine area to be protected and classified as a world reserve of biosphere and labeled Man&Biosphere by UNESCO in 1988. The company BioMolenez, partner of the Algae Workshop, harvests more than 20 species of seaweed there and transforms them using innovative eco-design processes.
Seaweed, pure sea water, plants… are harvested using traditional harvesting methods with respect for their ecology and biodiversity.
Our expertise
BIOMOLENEZ has complete control of the algae industry: from harvesting to extracting the active ingredients.
Our extraction methods do not use any chemistry, carried out according to processes approved by ECOCERT, they preserve all of their active components.
The algae workshop is a partner of the OCEALYS laboratory which works in collaboration with scientific research and dermatology centres. This is how these precious cosmetic ingredients are developed, which will be used in innovative, perfectly harmless skincare products.
Labels and Certifications
We explore the natural resources of marine areas from all over the world and helps you in your labeling process.
The processing techniques are approved by the ECOCERT charter: treatment of fresh seaweed 24 hours after harvesting and maceration methods that do not use any chemicals.

Our engagements
Marine assets harvested on the island of Molène, classified as a world biosphere reserve by UNESCO, using traditional harvesting methods with respect for their ecology and biodiversity. The company Biomolenez, partner of the Atelier des Algae, harvests and exploits marine resources using an eco-responsible extraction method.

The Algae Workshop is a partner of the Ocealys laboratory, an expert in natural marine cosmetology for 25 years. Innovating, creating emotion, restoring all the sensoriality and efficiency of a respected and sublimated nature are at the heart of the development projects of the R&D laboratory. Cosmetic products are formulated with the guarantee of efficacy, perfect harmlessness and industrial feasibility according to the most advanced regulatory standards.
The company is committed to the INIZI foundation. The foundation organizes a traveling cultural season on the 15 islands of the Ponant with the aim of strengthening inter-island links and promoting the island and maritime heritage. Our commitment reflects the values that are important to us: living and doing together, sharing and solidarity.
The INIZI Foundation
The Inizi Foundation organizes a traveling cultural season on the Ponant islands which are 15 in number, spread over 6 departments - 4 regions:
The Chausey archipelago, in the English Channel.
The island of Bréhat in Côtes d'Armor.
Batz, Ouessant, Molène, Sein and the Glénan archipelago for Finistère.
Groix, Belle-Île, Houat, Hoëdic, Île-aux-Moines and Arz for Morbihan.
Yeu for the Vendée.
Aix for Charente Maritime.
During its tours, the foundation defends several objectives:
- Develop inter-generational links (involve all sections of the population, multiply the moments of encounters, see and think of the artistic encounter above all as a moment of life, living and doing together).
- Strengthen inter-island links (provoke debates, exchanges on island citizen issues or not) and highlight the richness of island life.
- Promotion of island heritage, maritime heritage, island geography
- Sensitize the community of all the islands to environmental issues
- Raising awareness of the general public on the issues and problems of the island world
The values that bring us together are living and doing together, sharing, solidarity.

Supporting SNSM our sea rescuers
From the small boater to the crew of large transoceanic vessels,
anyone can need a helping hand.
The Sea is generous as its fiery character who any can't claim to tame...
Regularly its severity falls as well on the fine connoisseur as on the imprudent.
It is then, in face of peril, that the SNSM crews sets sail to the shipwrecked.
Their professionalism, their know-how and their sense of self-sacrifice oblige us and as such we donate 50 cents per product sold.
Société Nationale des Sauveteurs en mer website : https://www.snsm.org/
Discovering Île de Molène

To discover the Ile de Molène and perhaps go there to rest and relax, visit the site: iledemolene.fr